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Here's Why You Shouldn't Apply for a Job You Aren't Qualified For

Here's Why You Shouldn't Apply for a Job You Aren't Qualified For

You're sifting through the latest batch of job listings when you spot something that catches your eye. It's your dream position, and you can't wait to apply -- until, that is, you read through the actual description and realize your skill level isn't up to par with what the company is looking for. So you're stuck with a dilemma: Do you apply anyway, and hope for the best, or move on and keep looking?

Truthfully, there's no right or wrong answer. In some cases, it pays to push the limits, get your foot in the door, and work your way up, even if you're coming in as a self-proclaimed underdog. On the other hand, applying for a job you're not really qualified to do can backfire in many ways. Here are some of the consequences to factor into your decision.


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