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How to Have Money Rolling In Without Doing Anything

How to Have Money Rolling In Without Doing Anything

How would you like to put in a little work once and then get a steady stream of income forever after? Sound too good to be true? It's not – this type of arrangement is called "passive income" and is actually quite common.

Passive income is money that keeps coming in without your having to do any further work. Most types of passive income require you to either make a purchase or put in some work initially, but after that, you don't have to do anything further to keep getting paid.

One familiar example of passive income is royalties for authors. An author who writes a popular book may still be selling copies decades later, and receiving royalties on those sales, without having to do a lick of further work. You may not have what it takes to become a best-selling author, but you can still set up passive income using other systems.

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