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How to Refill an Emergency Fund

An emergency fund is one of those financial aspects of adulting that nobody particularly wants to put in place, but everyone appreciates it when it's needed. On top of that, since most of us only rarely need to tap our emergency funds, managing the money once it's in one is something people rarely think about.

Shortly after this article was published, where I talked about tapping my emergency fund to cover the costs associated with a broken sump pump, a friend asked me a great question about what comes next. She wanted to know: Now that I've tapped my emergency fund, how do I plan to replace the money I've taken out of it?

That's a great question, as another emergency could pop up at any time. If I don't get the cash back in the emergency fund before the next unexpected major expense hits, then what should otherwise be a manageable annoyance could instead become a major financial catastrophe.

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