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How to Search for a New Job Without Tipping Off Your Employer

How to Search for a New Job Without Tipping Off Your Employer

Whether you're actively unhappy in your current role or simply want a position with better pay, there comes a point where it's time to dust off your resume and kick-start a new job search. Now there are many benefits to looking for work while you already have a job. For one thing, you'll feel less pressured to accept the wrong role because you're desperate for money. You'll also have more leverage to negotiate the best possible offer knowing you can always fall back on your existing job.

But looking for a new job while you're currently working also poses a challenge -- namely, interviewing with various companies without your own employer being any the wiser. After all, if your company has reason to think you're looking elsewhere, it might retaliate in a number of ways, whether it's denying you a promotion, assigning you the least-wanted tasks on your team, or even terminating your employment arrangement. (The latter, though extreme, has certainly been known to happen.) That's why it's critical to go about the process carefully. Here's how.

Image source: Getty Images.

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