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Investing in These Stocks Now Could Make You a Millionaire Retiree

"$1 million" isn't what it used to be -- but it's still a tidy sum. When you consider that one in three Americans still has less than $50,000 tucked away for retirement, aiming to amass $1 million by the time you retire seems a pretty decent goal to start with.

And here's the thing: You can become a millionaire retiree, and with a bit of patience, it's not even that hard to do.

Say you start out by investing just $10,000 each in three different stocks. Every month, take $100 out of your paycheck for each of them, and add that to your investments. If all the stock market does is just grow at the long-term average rate of about 10% a year, in 12 years you will have $1,000,000 saved for retirement.

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