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Is Big Lots Stock a Buy?

Most investors are familiar with discount retail chains Dollar General (NYSE: DG) and Dollar Tree (NASDAQ: DLTR), the latter of which also operates Family Dollar stores. Dollar General boasts more than 16,700 stores, and between its Dollar Tree and Family Dollar locales, Dollar Tree manages more than 15,000 locales. At least one of them is within relatively easy reach of most U.S. consumers, and collectively, they dwarf the 1,400 stores Big Lots (NYSE: BIG) has sparsely peppered across the country.

Don't let its small size fool you, though. Big Lots is thinking -- and acting -- like a savvy tech start-up. Its smaller size means it may be able to drive better relative growth than its peers, which is what investors should really be looking for.

Image source: Getty Images.

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