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Is Hershey Stock a Buy?

Scientists tell us that chocolate consumption encourages our brains to release feel-good endorphins, like when you're falling in love. While I'm stuck at home during the coronavirus crisis, I'm earnestly conducting research on this premise, all in the name of science. My preliminary conclusion supports this thesis, but more research is called for (she said, reaching for more).

Since The Hershey Company (NYSE: HSY) makes several chocolate products that are delicious, and it recently released its first-quarter earnings report, it seems like the right time to evaluate the stock to see if the chocolate will keep coming.

Hershey reported first-quarter 2020 earnings on April 23. The quarter was an unusual one, as could be said for most companies in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Hershey's management said that pre-pandemic, expectations were fully on track for both the first quarter and full year. Then the coronavirus started to spread worldwide, and everything changed.

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