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Is It Too Late to Buy NuScale Power Stock?

Is it too late to buy a stock that has risen more than 150%? For many stocks the answer would be yes, you've probably missed the boat. But for NuScale Power (NYSE: SMR), the answer may be a more surprising one -- it's probably too early for most investors to consider buying the company. What's going on here?

NuScale operates in the nuclear power sector. Nuclear power is often looked on with disdain because of the high-profile power plant meltdowns that have occurred in the past, including Fukushima and, even further back, Chernobyl. However, nuclear power doesn't produce any carbon dioxide, and it provides a consistent level of output. Thus, it is a clean energy source of base load power. Combined with variable clean energy sources like solar and wind, it could help the world to more quickly transition away from carbon power sources like coal and natural gas.

Image source: Getty Images.

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