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Is TherapeuticsMD Stock a Buy?

TherapeuticsMD (NASDAQ: TXMD) is a small-cap pharmaceutical stock that focuses on women's health issues. The company is still in its early growth stages, but with three products already in its portfolio, it could be an attractive growth opportunity for investors today.

The stock has been struggling and it trades for less than $1 away from its 52-week low, so let's take a closer look to see if it's headed even lower, or if investors should consider buying shares of the company today.

Over the trailing 12 months, TherapeuticsMD has incurred net losses totaling $166 million. Losses have, unfortunately, been the norm for the company, and there hasn't been much progress made toward breakeven. In two years, the company's selling, general, and administrative costs of $45 million have tripled, and while revenue has increased as well, it simply hasn't come fast enough to offset the rise in costs. To make matters worse, the company isn't even cash-flow positive as it has burned cash from its operating activities in each of the past 10 quarters.

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