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Is This E-Commerce Stock Amazon-Proof?

In the transition to online shopping, Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) has claimed many victims. With convenience, low prices, and fast shipping on its side, competitors couldn't survive. One area Amazon has not penetrated is custom, hand-made goods. Etsy (NASDAQ: ETSY) specializes in this niche by providing more than 5 million sellers a platform to market their wares on. It is a place where customers can purchase an anniversary gift with their wedding date engraved, creative decorations, or a necklace bearing their unique name.

While Amazon is perceived by many as soulless, Etsy's mission is simple: "To Keep Commerce Human." This purpose was on full display when the COVID pandemic required people everywhere to begin wearing masks. Instead of buying generic face coverings on Amazon, consumers ordered artistic masks on Etsy allowing them to express their personality, even with a half-concealed face. 


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