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Is Wheaton Precious Metals a Buy?

Is Wheaton Precious Metals a Buy?

So far this year Wheaton Precious Metals (NYSE: WPM) shares haven't done much, bouncing along with the price of gold and silver. That showing is no different than that of other precious metals stocks, including Barrick Gold (NYSE: ABX) and Goldcorp (NYSE: GG). But Wheaton isn't a miner and that makes a big difference. Here are two reasons why you might want to buy Wheaton Precious Metals today.

Image source: Getty Images.

One of the most important things to note about Wheaton is that it is a streaming company. That means it provides cash up front to miners in exchange for the right to buy gold and silver at reduced rates in the future. It never gets its hands dirty building or running a mine, which is often what the miners it deals with do with the cash they get.

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