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Kevin J Donaldson Shares 10 Financially Inspired Reads

We spend the majority of our lives earning money, but how much time do we spend learning how to manage it? By investing in yourself and your knowledge, you will finally be able to stop worrying about money and instead use it as a tool to build your wealth.

These ten books present ten distinct (and effective) approaches to accumulating personal wealth:

1. Think and Grow Rich

Back in the 1930s, author Napoleon Hill conducted interviews with a number of millionaires and philanthropists, beginning with steel magnate Andrew Carnegie. As a result, the book has become a perennial best-seller in the self-development genre, encouraging the idea that “greed is good”—as long as you’re willing to share your wealth.

2. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

According to author (and multi-millionaire) T. Harv Eker, if you’re poor, it’s because you think like a poor person, and if you’re rich, it’s because you think rich. To make matters worse, poor people essentially raise their children to be poor by instilling in them a worldview that makes wealth accumulation impossible. But don’t be concerned. You can be a mogul if you start thinking like one.

3. 10 Secrets of the New Rich: How To Join The World’s New Breed Of Millionaires

Are you tired of dealing with financial difficulties? Are you saddened and disheartened as you watch the years pass and realize that your dreams are becoming increasingly out of reach? You’ve put in a lot of effort your entire life with little to show for it.

The answer can be found in Kevin J. Donaldson‘s book, 10 Secrets of the New Rich: How to Join the World’s New Breed of Millionaires. When you purchase this comprehensive new self-help guide, you will be given the keys to transforming your finances and improving your life in the midst of a new, rapidly changing economic environment. The world, according to author Kevin J. Donaldson, requires more millionaires. That is why he has written a new in-depth self-help book that will enlighten and inspire people who are ready to embark on an exciting journey of transformation. It’s the ideal resource for the small business owner or aspiring entrepreneur who is ready to achieve the success that has eluded them thus far.

4. The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke

Most personal finance books appear to be written with the upcoming retiree in mind. In this lively offering, TV star Suze Orman guides millennials through the fundamentals of the financial world, such as dealing with massive student loans and a job market that is nearly as bad for young people as the Great Depression.

5. Total Money Makeover

Anyone who has listened to Dave Ramsey’s radio show knows that he preaches common sense: avoid using credit, pay cash for everything possible, get out of debt, and save for an emergency. Rather than airy-fairy promises and feel-good anecdotes, he provides sound fundamental advice for the everyday man and woman.

6. The Millionaire Next Door

Authors Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko identify most individuals as Under Accumulators of Wealth (UAW) who have a low net wealth compared to their income based on research into U.S. households with a net worth of $1 million or more. They then give advice (such as taking short vacations) to help people increase their net worth in relation to their income.

7. The Science of Getting Rich

Despite the fact that it contains nothing remotely resembling “science,” this 1910 book served as the intellectual foundation for thousands of personal wealth-building seminars. Wallace Wattle, the author, believed that your ability to accumulate wealth is directly proportional to how you think about it. To put it another way, if you believe that money is the source of all evil, you will never be wealthy.

8. Rich Dad, Poor Dad

According to Robert Kiyosaki, an eighth-grade dropout who spends less than he earns is smarter than a college professor who can’t make ends meet. Furthermore, while working for a steady paycheck can get you started, your best time and money investment is to buy real estate or a business. Or, even better, do what Kiyosaki did and write a best-selling book.

9. The Richest Man In Babylon

Since the 1920s, George S. Clason’s faux-biblical parables about acquiring wealth have inspired investors. The Richest Man In Babylon, like most personal finance books that followed, emphasizes saving overspending. However, the book insists that charitable giving is just as important, as long as you don’t allow those to whom you give to become reliant on your generosity.

10. The Millionaire Fast Lane

Working hard, saving 10%, and retiring at 65 is a fool’s errand because 1) financial markets are simply too volatile, and 2) you’ll be “in a wheelchair” by the time you have enough to retire, according to author MJ DeMarco. A better strategy is to take advantage of the financial markets’ volatility to get rich quickly and enjoy it now.

Final Thought

Literature has the power to shape our daily lives. We become what we consume. By reading these finance books, one can not help but become inspired. 

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