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Prediction: These Will Be the 10 Largest Stocks by 2035

How in the world can anybody predict the top stocks of 2035?

When developing a potential list, the first thing I did was go backward and look at the top 10 stocks of 2005. They were: 1. General Electric, 2. ExxonMobil, 3. Microsoft, 4. Citigroup, 5. Procter & Gamble, 6. Walmart, 7. Bank of America, 8. Johnson & Johnson, 9. American International Group, and 10. Pfizer.

Many of those stocks have gone sideways or dropped precipitously over the last 15 years. Microsoft is the sole survivor in the current top 10 list. And it's now the biggest company in the world, with a $2.5 trillion market cap. Apparently, Marc Andreessen was right when he predicted that software will eat the world.

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