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Scared to Invest in Stocks? Here's 1 Good Solution for You

The stock market has historically been volatile, but in the course of 2020, it's already taken several wild rides. In March, stocks plunged into bear market territory for the first time in many years, spooking investors and leaving near-retirees to worry if their plans would need to be put on hold indefinitely. Thankfully, the market recovered nicely over the course of spring and summer, only to experience an extremely rocky September to date.

It's this very volatility that drives some people to shy away from stocks -- namely, those who are afraid of choosing the wrong investments and winding up poorer for it after the fact. But if you're scared to invest, here's one solution that may help you overcome your fears.

One of the most daunting aspects of investing is deciding which companies deserve a place in your portfolio. Ideally, you'll want to load up on a diverse mix, but that could mean taking the risk of buying certain companies at the wrong time, or choosing companies that don't offer as much value or growth potential as you expect them to.

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