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Should Apple Make Its Own Search Engine and Cut Google Out of the Mix?

There's no shortage of rumors when it comes to Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) and new tech hardware. Remember the Apple TV (Apple of course offers plenty of services for the television)? Rumors (or maybe hopes) still circle about a possible Apple Car, and there are persistent rumors that an Apple AR/VR headset is reportedly in the works. 

But it isn't just hardware. There's also persistent speculation that Apple is building its own internet search service, too. That would be bad news for Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOGL)(NASDAQ: GOOG) and its main breadwinner, Google. But would Apple really pull such a move and cut Google out of the mix in its lucrative hardware empire?

First, a quick primer. To this day, Apple's empire is predominantly based on hardware sales -- and it's done a great job getting consumers into its ecosystem (which includes Macs, iPhones, iPads, Watches, etc.) and keeping them there. It's a classic land-and-expand strategy: Once a sale is registered (an iPhone, for example), Apple can then push other device types by touting how tightly integrated all of them are.

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