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Social Security: 3 Times It's Not Dumb to Wait Until 70 for Your Retirement Benefits

Social Security: 3 Times It's Not Dumb to Wait Until 70 for Your Retirement Benefits

Nobody likes to wait to get their money from Social Security, and in many cases, it's downright dumb not to get your benefits a lot earlier than the latest reasonable claiming age of 70. But more people make the mistake of claiming their benefits too soon, missing out on potentially lucrative payouts that can last the rest of their life -- and even beyond, if they have a spouse or other loved ones who are entitled to survivor benefits on their work record.

Below, we'll look at three cases in which it's definitely not dumb to wait until you turn 70 filing for your retirement benefits.

One thing that comes as a surprise to many Social Security recipients is that you can sometimes have to pay income tax on a portion of the benefit income you receive from the Social Security program. Under current law, you can be forced to include as much as 85% of your benefits as taxable income, meaning that you'll pay whatever your current tax rate is on that amount.

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