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Tax Rebates From Montana: Who Will Get Them And How To Claim

Tax Rebates from Montana

A couple of weeks back, Montana Governor Greg Gianforte signed into law two tax rebates – income tax and property tax rebates. Now, the Montana Department of Revenue has come up with a website offering more information on the tax rebates from Montana, including eligibility requirements, how to claim them, etc.

Income Tax Rebates From Montana: Who Will Get Them And How Much?

On March 13, Governor Gianforte signed into law House Bills 192 and 222 that provide tax rebates from Montana to eligible residents. The HB192 bill provides a rebate for 2021 individual income taxes, while HB222 offers a rebate for 2022 and 2023 property taxes paid on a principal residence.

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Under HB192, individual filers get $1,250 in an income tax rebate, while married couples filing jointly are eligible for a rebate of $2,500. The state has set aside a surplus of $480 million to offer income tax rebates to residents.

Those who were full-year Montana residents and paid state taxes on 2021 income will get a rebate of up to $1,250. On the other hand, those who meet the eligibility requirements but paid less than $1,250 in state income taxes would be refunded their entire payment.

Taxpayers eligible for the income tax rebate don’t need to do anything extra to claim the rebate. Eligible taxpayers will automatically get a rebate on the taxes paid in 2021. The Department of Revenue plans to issue the income tax rebates in July.

The Department of Revenue will deposit the rebate in the recipient's bank account or mail it using the address on the taxpayer’s most recent tax return. State law requires the tax rebates from Montana to be completed by December 31.

Property Tax Rebate: How To Apply

Under HB222, eligible residents will get a property tax rebate of up to $500 a year on the property taxes paid on a principal residence for 2022 and 2023. Those who paid less than $500 in property taxes in either year will be refunded the entire payment.


Those who are eligible for this rebate need to apply for it online or in paper form. The principal residence is defined as a place where you lived for at least seven months of the year.

Residents can claim the 2022 rebate online by visiting the TransAction Portal, or through a paper form starting Aug. 15, 2023. Eligible residents must apply for the 2022 property tax rebate by Oct. 1, 2023.

To claim the 2023 rebate, residents need to follow the same process. The state will start accepting applications for the 2023 rebate from Aug. 15, 2024, while the last date to file the claim is Oct. 1, 2024.

According to the department, the 2022 rebate applies to November 2022 and May 2023 payments, while the 2023 rebate applies to November 2023 and May 2024 payments. The HB222 bill has set aside a $280 million surplus for property tax rebates.

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