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The One Social Security Question You Must Ask Before Relocating In Retirement

There may come a point during your retirement when you start to contemplate a move to another state. Maybe you retired in the northern part of the U.S., only now, the winters are starting to get to you. Or maybe you fled to a warmer climate, only to miss your grown kids and grandchildren who live 500 miles away.

You may even decide to relocate as a retiree to get a change of scenery or get closer to more amenities. If you're in a more suburban area, for example, you may decide to move to a city so you can enjoy the theater and fine dining. Or you may want to ditch city life and get away from the noise.

Moving across state lines could end up being a great thing for you during retirement. But before you take that leap, there's one Social Security question you'll need to ask yourself.

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