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Timekettle WT2 Edge Translator Earbuds Makes Possible A ‘Normal’ 2-Way Chat

Timekettle WT2 Edge

If you travel a lot, either for business or pleasure, to different parts of the world, then one issue you often come across is the language barrier. Though there are gadgets and software that have made it possible to communicate with others regardless of language barriers, most people will agree that they aren’t quick, clear or accurate enough to ensure a smooth conversation, resulting in endless frustration for the users. Timekettle, however, has a gadget that addresses all such issues – Timekettle WT2 Edge.

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Timekettle WT2 Edge: Quick And Accurate

Timekettle WT2 Edge are a translator earbuds that are claimed to be the world’s first truly bi-directional simultaneous translation earbuds. This means the gadget translates in real-time as users speak and listen.

As per the company, it can interpret what is said to the listener in about 0.5 seconds and with up to 95% accuracy. Also, the company claims that WT2 Edge can translate up to 40 languages, as well as supports up to 93 different accents. If this is true, it means it covers about 90% of the world’s population.

In our review of the Timekettle WT2 Edge, we didn’t focus too much on the claims of it supporting 40 languages and 93 accents. Rather, we were keen on testing its performance claims.

Most of the translating earbuds available currently on the market work a lot like walkie-talkies, where one person speaks at a time and waits for the translator to do the work. Though such translating earbuds allow you to have a conversation, it isn’t natural.

This isn’t the case with the WT2 Edge. I tested the gadget with a few different languages and scenarios and found it to be effective. I was able to speak and hear the person’s translations at the same time. So, there were no awkward pauses, and most of the time, it resulted in a ‘normal’ two way conversation.

A major reason for such speed and accuracy is that the WT2 Edge is powered by the world’s 6 leading translation engines, including of Google and Microsoft. Moreover, the WT2 Edge uses 15 servers worldwide to ensure the fastest translations possible.

Other Supporting Features

Apart from speed and accuracy, another smart feature that makes this gadget different from many others is the presence of a noise isolation function. This feature also works as claimed and blocks background noises, resulting in the conversation being loud and clear. Also, this noise isolation function is effective in all WT2 Edge modes (Touch mode, Speaker Mode and Simultaneous Mode).

Talking about the battery life, it lasts about three hours of continuous use. Depending on the usage, the battery can last a lot longer as well. And, it takes about 90 minutes to get them fully juiced up.

In terms of the overall design, they seem like any other ordinary earbuds, but it is their performance that distinguishes them from most others on the market. Still, the earbuds feel sturdy, fit well and give a premium feel (that’s more than enough).

Overall, the Timekettle WT2 Edge is a highly-effective translating earbuds that ensures a ‘normal’ two-way communication. It comes in two versions - online and offline and is suitable for iOS and Android. The online version is less expensive, but an active WiFi or data connection is a must. And, the offline version costs more and takes up sizable storage space on your phone, but supports eight most commonly-spoken languages.

For more details on the Timekettle WT2 Edge, as well as to buy it, you can head to the company’s online store.

Disclaimer: We received free product in return for an honest review.

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