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What’s the Role of SEO in Maximizing Businesses’ ROI

We live in a digital world. Therefore, marketers tend to focus predominantly on creating content through digital means. While this is beneficial considering the fact that young people are more active online, it still isn’t complete without the traditional marketing strategies.

Moreover, traditional marketing is as strong as ever and it should be combined with the digital one so that they can complement each other. For this reason, it’s important to know exactly how to do this. Search engine optimization (SEO) is definitely a step forward in this direction. Understanding enterprise SEO uplift on traditional marketing plays a big role in the whole strategy of the companies. For this reason, in the following paragraphs we’ll dive more into what works related to this topic.

More devices and screens

Researchers say that 71% of people, especially youth, utilize more screens and devices while watching something on TV or on a billboard in order to research it further.

This shows that even though, traditional channels of marketing don’t really leave space for interaction, people can search on the topic online. This adds SEO to the picture and connects the two marketing types so that the recognition of the brand can be increased along with ROI.

Reasons for the importance of traditional marketing today

Content is king

People stay on a website or engage in activities if they come across content that can capture their attention. Traditional marketing channels and approaches can help with this.

Furthermore, the traditional means of publishing or presenting content to the public like TV, radio, billboards, and similar are still very eye-catching. That’s why marketers make the content to match these traditional means.

Increased brand awareness

The more the audience is engaged with the content and willing to collaborate, the chances of becoming recognized are greater. Understandably the digital tools offer more options yet there is always something special about a memorable message in the newspaper, on a billboard or on TV. When these two approaches are intertwined the brand’s awareness and its success are slightly increased.

The role of SEO in the traditional marketing strategy

As we already mentioned, the relationship between traditional marketing and SEO is quite a complex one. SEO may be a digital approach but it fits the traditional marketing nicely. This is due to the fact that through it, the real-world appearance can be expanded digitally and experienced in many different ways. Namely, many companies nowadays try their best to move consumers from the real, physical world to the online world of websites and social media.

In turn, the visibility of the brand usually grows. More precisely, potential consumers can thoroughly research a brand by keywords and through SEO, the wanted content will show up to them first thus introducing them to the brand.

Having this in mind, by letting them explore first through flyers, billboards, printed materials, and TV and radio and then switch to online research and SEO, the process becomes easier and quicker. By this we mean that after they enter the world of digital marketing, it’s more convenient to reach them anytime through social media campaigns, email lists, newsletters, and more.

Enterprise SEO Uplifts Traditional Marketing

Using SEO techniques can elevate your entire marketing strategies and approach. To do this, you should firstly focus on understanding enterprise SEO uplift on traditional marketing. Furthermore, one of the principal areas where SEO can help is to make the business understand the buyer persona of their product/services. This leads to better and more effective decisions.

Tips for Using SEO to Support Your Traditional Marketing Campaigns

  • Consider the customers’ journey through the sales funnel – Customers enter the sales funnel at different stages, so brands should work on increase the awareness of the company. SEO helps here to help bring the buyers from this stage to the one where they’re ready to make a purchase.
  • Create a seamless transition from physical to digital – Many potential customers may have heard about the brand on TV, radio or read something in a magazine. So, when they move into the digital, online world, your brand should welcome them with an SEO-friendly landing page that will bring them value.
  • Mobile-friendly landing pages – More and more people replace their desktop computers with mobiles. Make sure you’re optimized for mobile screens.
  • Work on your Google Business Profile – Your business should be well presented on Google. And that means entering a valid address, an optimized description, working on legitimate reviews, and more. Your possibilities with Google are close to endless – from geofencing to IP targeting, and everything in between.
  • Know your objectives – Marketing is nothing if you don’t have concrete objectives in mind. What’s more, they should be aligned across all platforms and channels. In turn that doesn’t mean copy-pasting everything. It just refers to the fact that traditional marketing strategies should be formed with SEO in mind and vice versa. Make sure they’re complementary.
  • Multi-channel content – Work on optimizing your content such as your ads for both magazines, radio, TV, social media, and website.
  • Focus on different channels of communication – Be aware that not everyone will look you up only on Google. Some may find you via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. So, make sure you work on the different social channels that work for you best.
  • Target the right keywords – SEO is all about the keywords. So, incorporate these catchy phrases and elements into your traditional ads, too. These words are associated with your company and will build the brand and the awareness about it.

Pin Traditional Ads on Social Media

This is a super useful way of bridging traditional marketing and social media. Moreover, your profiles on social channels such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and such usually appear first on Google. So, when people click on them, make sure that the first thing they see on your social media profiles is the traditional ads you’ve been working so hard on.

Final Words – Traditional Marketing and SEO Are a Super Powerful Duo

At first glance, it may seem like these two terms have nothing in common. But that’s far from the truth. Moreover, these two make such a powerful duo that when they’re combined, together they can help you dominate your business niche.

As we’re living in an online era, people who have engaged and who you’ve reached via traditional marketing, won’t stop there. In fact, they’d like to continue the relationship with you online. That’s when SEO steps in.

So, the two of you will increase and boost your marketing efforts to get more customers. Also, they’ll only positively impact your entire business.

Meta description – Do you want to find out more about the relationship between SEO, traditional and digital marketing and how it affects ROI? We gathered all the details here.

The post What’s the Role of SEO in Maximizing Businesses’ ROI appeared first on ValueWalk.

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