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Why Google, Facebook, and Yandex Stock Rebounded Today

After a miserable Thursday, Friday promises to be a bit better for stock investors.

Pundits are predicting that the Trump Administration and Congress -- whether working separately or together -- may be putting together significant relief measures to stabilize the economy and prepare America to weather the COVID-19 coronavirus storm. This is sparking a big rally on Wall Street, with the Dow up in excess of 700 points in the first hour, and tech stocks such as Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG)(NASDAQ: GOOGL), Facebook (NASDAQ: FB), and Yandex (NASDAQ: YNDX) -- "Russia's Google" -- all up strongly.  

As of 10:15 a.m. EDT, Google Class A and Class C shares were both up 3.4% after notching better than 5% gains earlier in the morning. Facebook, too, was still hanging on to 4.6% gains. And Yandex, which at one point seemed to be closing in on a 10% day, was leading this tech stock pack with a 6.3% gain.

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