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You Don't Have to Pick a Winner in Clean Energy. Here's Why.

Business history is filled with stories of emerging sectors that grow too fast and then have to suffer through a shake-out period. Trains, automobiles, and computers are just a few examples. One area that's seen the same dynamic recently is clean energy.

There's huge potential, but picking the winners from the losers isn't an easy task, either in terms of the technology or the individual companies involved. But there are ways that you can be involved in the clean energy rollout without having to pick a winner. Let's look at three potential ways.

The impact of so-called greenhouse gases is well-documented, with carbon dioxide being one of the biggest culprits. The burning of carbon fuels, from coal to oil to natural gas, produces carbon dioxide which collects in the atmosphere and contributes to its warming. This is why the world is moving toward energy sources that aren't powered by carbon fuels.

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