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2020 Q1 REVENUE: €195.8 MILLION


Consolidated (€M)
Q120202019% Change
Revenue 195.8 201.1 -2.6%
of which home building 160.9 173.8 -7.4%
of which Renovation 28.9 26.0 +11.2%
of which Other
(development & promotion)
6.0 1.3 +361.5%

Revenue of €195.8 million for the first quarter of 2020

For the first quarter of 2020, Hexaom Group revenue amounted to €195.8 million, down 2.6% (-4.9% like-for-like) compared to Q1 2019. After a good start to the year, consistent with 2019 sales performances, the end of the quarter was disrupted by lockdown measures imposed by the government to slow the Covid-19 pandemic:

  • The home building business posted revenue of €160.9 million, down 7.4% (-9.0% like-for-like).
  • Despite the sharp slowdown in the last two weeks of March, the renovation business posted revenue of €28.9 million, up 11.4%, driven by the growth momentum in both B2B and B2C segments and a strong order book.
  • Finally, the real estate and land development business posted revenue of €6.0 million (€4.1 million like-for-like), benefiting from the announced start of the Hibana subsidiary's building projects and the integration of the Plaire Group's real estate and land development business.

From the outset of the health crisis, the group has taken the necessary steps to remain operational in all its business segments, while protecting the health of its employees and adjusting its cost structure to preserve its ability to rebound.

Since the end of April, building sites have been operating at an average of 50% (compared with 15 to 20% at the beginning of the crisis) and this figure should continue to increase as lockdown measures are lifted.

Sales remain resilient

For the home building business, after an 8.50% increase in value in order intake at the end of February (+6.70% like-for-like), the closure of the group's sales offices led to a drop in sales in March, a drop that is nevertheless limited (63% of the target achieved) thanks to the digital tools put in place within the group.

Hexaom achieved 1,503 sales in the first quarter, representing revenue of €188.8 million. Overall, sales in the first quarter contracted by 9.4% in value (13.1% in volume) at current scope and by 10.9% in value (14.9% in volume) on a like-for-like basis. In April, the group should reach 50% of its order intake target.

Sales for the renovation business are up 56.5% to €32.0 million, driven by sustained growth in the B2B segment.

Heavily penalized at the beginning of lockdown, contacts and leads gradually recovered during the month of April to reach 80% of their usual level.


The group is actively preparing its return to more normal operations and has drawn up a lockdown exit plan that will be implemented as of May 11th. This plan provides for a series of measures which will enable sales offices and building sites to reopen under good health and safety conditions, while recommending that staff that can work from home continue to do so. Organizational procedures have been adapted and the layout of the offices have been reviewed to enable teams to operate and welcome clients.

Hexaom is approaching this new period with confidence and determination, while remaining cautious on points that could slow down the resumption of activity, in particular the delays the group experienced during the administrative period of building projects (period between the signing of the contract and the start of construction). Indeed, during lockdown, a majority of clients were unable to sign the purchase of their land (digital signatures were unavailable in many notary offices) and the processing of planning permission by local authorities was severely slowed down if not at a halt.

The group's challenges will be to make up for lost time in administrative delays which could impact the start of future building sites and to partly catch up the production delays of April and May during the summer period.

In this difficult period, the family-owned group can rely on its solid fundamentals: a resilient business model supported by experienced managers, motivated employees, a network of committed tradesmen, and a sound financial structure. Thanks to its position as a market leader and its careful and cautious management of the crisis, the Hexaom Group is well placed to emerge from this crisis stronger than before.

Next Press Release: 2020 Q2 Revenue, August 6th, 2020, after market close.



Since 1919, five generations of the same family have successively taken over the helm of Hexaom, a group that drives and federates an ecosystem of 46 brands and subsidiaries with complementary expertise. A unique story of family and entrepreneurship characterized by its stability in a complex market sector.
The group is a leader in the home building, renovation, and first-time owners' markets in France. It currently serves more than 10,000 customers a year, has built more than 100,000, has carried out over 75,000 renovations, employs more than 2,100 people, and recorded revenue of €841.8 million in 2019.
Hexaom securities are eligible for inclusion in company retirement savings plans.
Hexaom is listed on Euronext Paris - Compartment B.
ISIN code: FR 0004159473 - Indices: CAC® Small, CAC® Mid & Small, CAC® All-Tradable, CAC® All-Share

Patrick Vandromme
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 02 33 80 66 61
E-mail [email protected]
EDIFICE Communication
Nathalie Boumendil
Analyst/Investor/Press Relations
Tel: 06 85 82 41 95
E-mail [email protected]
Jean-Christophe Godet
Chief Financial Officer
Tel: 02 33 80 66 61
E-mail [email protected]


Gross order intake: a contract is recorded in the gross order intake as soon as it is signed by the customer and accepted by our sales administration department (administrative control of the documents and validity of the financing plan, site inspection, verification and acceptance of the selling price). The amount recorded corresponds to the revenue excluding taxes to be generated by the contract.

Order book: includes recorded orders not canceled and not transferred to work in progress.

Work in progress: includes orders whose conditions precedent to start building are met (building permit and customer financing obtained, customer owns the land) but which have not yet been delivered to the customer.

Change in like-for-like revenue: changes in revenue for the periods under comparison, recalculated as follows:

  • in the event of an acquisition, revenue from the acquired company is deducted from the current period if it was not part of the group during the previous period,
  • in the event of a sale, the revenue of the divested company that is no longer part of the group during current period is deducted from the comparison period.

B2B (business to business): describes the sale of goods and services to companies.

B2C (business to consumer): describes the sale of goods and services to private individuals.

Net margin on variable costs: corresponds to the difference between the revenue generated by contracts and the costs directly attributable to these contracts (construction costs, sales commissions or agents, taxes, insurance, etc.).

Cash position: includes cash on hand and demand deposits.

Debt: includes all current and non-current financial liabilities.

Net cash: corresponds to cash equivalents less debt.

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