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1st half year 2015 sales at EUR 250.1M

Very dynamic intake orders up by 18.4%

Consolidated (€M) – non audited 2015 2014 Variation
Q1 Sales 119.2 124.3 -4.1%
Q2 Sales 130.9 139.9 -6.4%
TOTAL 250.1 264.2 -5.3%

1st half 2015 sales at €250.1M, in line with annual target

The MAISONS FRANCE CONFORT Group reached a low in the 1st half of 2015 with sales at €250.1M down 5.3% and 6.8% at a constant scope. This fall in business is consecutive to the drop in 2014 orders together with particularly lengthy administrative delays (building permits, deeds, file processing by banks saturated by loan adjustments). Considering the 2nd quarter business expected, this level of turnover is still in line with the production stability objective announced by the Group for the year.

Very good commercial activity with a sharp rise in order intake at end June

At end June 2015, orders reached 3,231 sales and represents a turnover of €348.8M before tax up 18.4% in number and 16.2% in value compared to last year. The second quarter of 2015 marked an acceleration in commercial dynamic with sales up 25.9% in number and 24.9% in value.

These positive trends are due in part to favourable market conditions (still low interest rate, strengthened PTZ interest-free loans, slight increase in French morale) and continued market share gains by MAISONS FRANCE CONFORT (brand awareness and affirmed solidity, winning marketing & internet strategy). All regions contribute to this favourable commercial trend.

The renovation business continues to increase its sales with orders standing at €6.3M end June. This business confirms its development potential and is proving itself to be one of the Group's strong growth drivers.

Confirmation of trends announced for 2015 and continued growth in 2016

For the full financial year the MAISONS FRANCE CONFORT Group reaffirms its production stability objective.

Moreover, considering the excellent business performance recorded to date, the Group is already anticipating a return to its production growth in 2016, thus opening the way for a gradual return to its normative profitability.

Next press release: 1st half year 2015 results, on 16 September 2015 after stock exchange closing

Next meeting: Information meeting on the occasion of 1st half results, on 17 September 2015 at 10am at the Palais Brongniart


Founded in 1919, MAISONS FRANCE CONFORT is the oldest builder of single-family homes in France and the largest builder of single-family homes on individual plots. The Group operates in 20 regions in France, with 340 sales offices and 50 model homes.

Staff at 30 June 2015: 1,421 people.

MAISONS France CONFORT equities are eligible for PEA-PME equity savings plan.

MAISONS FRANCE CONFORT is listed on the Euronext Paris - Compartment B.

ISIN Number:  FR 0004159473 - Index: CACÒ Small, CACÒ Mid & Small, CACÒ All-Tradable, CACÒ All-Share

Commercial site: www.maisons-france-confort.comFinancial site:



Patrick Vandromme

Chairman and Managing Director

Tel. +33 (0)2 33 80 66 61

Email [email protected]

Amalia Naveira

Analyst/Investor/Press relations

Tel. +33 (0)4 72 18 04 90

Email [email protected]

Jean-Christophe Godet

Finance & Administration Manager

Tel. +33 (0)2 33 80 66 61

Email [email protected]
Marie Claude Triquet

Press relations

Tel. +33 (0)4 72 18 04 93

Email [email protected]

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