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2013 Annual Revenue : EUR 214,5 M (+2.9%)

Revenue Q4 in €M 2013(1) 2012 Var. (%)
Smart Safety Systems 30.2 31.8 -4.7%
Industrial Projects & Services 23.3 24.5 -4.7%
Protection in Nuclear Environments 12.1 9.0 +34.4%
Revenue between the 3 divisions and structure (0.3) (0.0) -
Consolidated revenue 66.0 65.2 +1.2%


Revenue FY in €M 2013(1)  


Var. (%)
Smart Safety Systems 93.2 98.8 -5.7%
Industrial Projects & Services 80.4 76.3 +5.3%
Protection in Nuclear Environments 40.9 33.5 +21.9%
Revenue between the 3 divisions and structure (0.0) (0.2) -
Consolidated revenue 214.5 208.4 +2.

1. Unaudited figures

2. 2012 column readjusted (cf note 1.3 from half year report 2013)


During the fourth quarter, the Group recorded a revenue of €66.0M compared with €65.2M for the previous fiscal year, an increase of 1.2%. The growth of PNE's turnover (+34.4%) offset the declinerecorded by SSS (-4.7%) and IPS (down by 4.7% due to strong comparables).


Over the year, Smart Safety Systems' revenues amounted to €93.2M (-5.7%). Sales volumes were lower this year on Aerospace's area(1) (end of A350XWB contract) and Simulation's area despite a strong rebound in the last quarter. The activity Robotics & Embedded Systems grew by 11.7% over the year, driven by significant contracts.


Throughout the year, the business activity Industrial Projects & Services recorded an increase of 5.3% of its turnover reaching €80.4M. This performance is linked to the contribution, for the first year, of Van Dam (12% of total turnover of IPS division), which fully compensates the decline of 7.4% at constant perimeter, caused solely by Cimlec. The proportion of the Fire Protection's activity in IPS's turnover increased this year to 68% (compared to 60% last year).


Turnover for Protection in Nuclear Environments reached €40.9M versus €33.5M, a growth of 21.9% (+18.6% at constant perimeter), a new record for this activity, with notably the contribution of the €12.5M AP 1000 contract (delivered over 2013 and 2014) won by the Group last June.


In the end, Group Gorgé generated a turnover of €214.5M, an increase of 2.9%.


Positive outlook on 2014 for the three divisions


SSS is in a dynamic sales period on its 3 core businesses: in Aerospace's area (new contract ATR with a delivery planned by mid-2014); in Simulation (press release dated January 16 regarding land-based defence simulation), and in Robotics & Embedded Systems, where SSS continues to establish itself as an international key player (press release dated February 6 regarding a dronization for the Australian Navy).


The division is also discussing the terms of a strategic partnership with PROMINVEST (whose conditions will be decided during summer 2014) to deploy its underwater drones in Russia. Finally, the announcement of the signature of a settlement agreement with BAE Systems in 2013 relaunches the K-Ster C commercialization, a niche product which should bring new business opportunities.

SSS' backlog grew by 4.4% at end 2013, to €89M.


The two other areas IPS and PNE should continue their momentum.

IPS's backlog amounts to €37M versus €32M last year, an increase of almost 15%. CIMLEC, which had been a point of extra vigilance over 2013, will benefit from the acquisition of Air Liquide Welding France robotics business (estimated annual turnover of €7M).


With €50M, the backlog of PNE remains at a high level, while the business activity is still very dynamic with many pending offers, notably in China.


Backlog for the three divisions totaled €175M at 31 December 2013.


The 3D printing activity, integrated in IPS division, will contribute to Group Gorgé's turnover in 2014 for the first time. This activity, new flagship for the Group, generates an international very strong interest in many sectors, notably the dental market for which the Group has realized sales recently. Group Gorgé sold a 3D printer “D35 producer” which will be delivered in 2014 (press release dated December 9, 2013) and a “K20 producer” for the production of technical ceramics parts (press release dated February 13, 2014). These orders confirm the promising dynamic of this niche technology.

Medium-term outlook

Group Gorgé believes that it has been successful in refocusing on promising technologies and markets. Among them: robotics, 3D printing and drones, businesses in which the group has key assets, represent a significant growth potential for the coming years.



(1) ECA has decided to present going forward its businesses in three areas : Robotics & Embedded Systems, Aerospace and Simulation (cf Press release ECA 2014/02/24)


Next appointment

Publication of 2013 annual results on April 7, 2014 before the stock market opening

Information meeting on April 7, 2014


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The forward-looking statements and targets of turnover growth contained herein are based on the Management's current strategy and assumptions. Such statements and targets depend on known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those anticipated herein. All these risks and uncertainties could affect the Group's future ability to achieve its targets.

Risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results anticipated in the forward-looking statements and targets include, among other things: the risks and uncertainties mentioned in the press release; the strength of competition; the continuing growth of the Group's markets whose 3D printing market; the research for the diversification of materials for 3D printers; risks relating to the use of chemical products; currency fluctuations; interest rate fluctuations; raw materials and freight price fluctuations; armed conflicts or political instability; control of costs and expenses; changes in tax legislation, rules,
regulation or enforcement; intensified price pressure by our competitors; our ability to successfully keep pace with technology changes; our ability to attract and retain qualified personnel and key-men; the evolution, interpretation and uniform application and enforcement of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), according to which we prepare our financial statements; supply chain bottlenecks; the performance of our business partners (subcontractors, agents, suppliers, etc.).

Some of these risk factors are set forth and detailed in our Document de Référence (reference document including the annual financial report filed with the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers). This list of risks, uncertainties and other factors is not limitative. Other non-anticipated, unknown or unforeseeable factors could also have material adverse effect on our targets.

The Group expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking statements or targets contained in this press release to reflect any change in events, conditions, assumptions or circumstances on which any such s

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