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2013 half-year results

(Audited data)

(in thousands of Euros) 2012


2013 Variation


Sales 241,518 241,518 275,784 +14.2%
Operating income 15,179 17,397 43,005 +147.2%
Net Income - Group share 9,246 9,573 25,724 +168.7%
Cash Flow 26,168 26,168 59,853 +128.7%
Tangible and Intangible Net Gross investments 10,943 10,943 8,564 -21.7%
Net cash position 76,172 76,172 105,250 +38.2%

(1) Following application of IAS 19 revised related to post-employment benefits.


· Profitability in the first half-year period improved significantly through:

  • the increase in sales, in particular due to the high incidence of the strong pathology in the 1st quarter;

  • the managed control of operating expenses;

  • cost savings generated by the reorganizations in Italy, Belgium and Switzerland in 2012.

Operating income was however impacted by restructuring costs of €6,072 thousand in Spain and Belgium.

· The highlights of the second quarter of 2013 were mentioned in the financial notice dated July 12, 2013 related to first half-year sales.

· Given its first half-year performance, Boiron confirms its target of further increases in sales and profitability in 2013.


The accounts were subjected to a limited review of statutory auditors. The half-year report, including information on activities and results of the first half-year and the 2013 outlook, was published in line with the provisions of Article 221-3 of the French Securities and Exchange Commission Regulations [AMF]. It is available on the Company's website: (


Our next update:

October 24, 2013: at market close, publication of quarterly sales and financial information as of September 30, 2013.

Person responsible for financial information: Philippe MONTANT

Contact for financial information: Véronique BOUSCAYROL

Investor relations: +33 (0) -email: [email protected]

ISIN Code: FR0000061129 (BOI) - Bloomberg: BOI FP - Reuters: BOIR.PA

The group's financial information is online at:

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