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2015-2016: an excellent vintage - Strong growth in revenues: +24%

3 May 2016


2015-2016: an excellent vintage

Strong growth in revenues: +24%


In € million 2014-2015 2015-2016 Change Like-for-like change*
4th quarter 43.6 57.8 +32.6% +9.0%
o/w Closures 29.0 42.8 +47.6% +11.3%
o/w Winemaking 14.6 15.0 +2.6% +4.4%
12 months 170.6 211.3 +23.8% +9.3%
o/w Closures 102.3 129.8 +26.9% +5.9%
o/w Winemaking 68.4 81.5 +19.2% +14.3%

*At constant scope and exchange rates


2015-2016 was an excellent year for Oeneo Group, with revenues increasing by close to 24% (9.3% in organic terms) to stand at €211.3 million. New market share saw the Group reinforce its leadership across each of its markets.

In the three months from January to March 2016, Oeneo posted revenues of €57.8 million, up 32.6% on the previous year and up 9.0% at constant perimeter and exchange rates.

As announced, the Group's growth over the fourth quarter was primarily driven by the Closures division thanks to an acceleration in organic growth and solid contribution from Piedade acquired during the financial year. Although more moderate over the quarter, figures for the Winemaking division were still more than satisfactory given the high basis for comparison, in particular in the United States.


Closures: return to strong growth towards the end of the financial year

Oeneo Group sold more than 1.7 billion cork closures in 2015-2016, with the Diam range accounting for over 60% and notching up a new quarterly record of close to 340 million closures sold in the final three months of the year (+15%).

Activity for Piedade, which has been consolidated since October, is perfectly in line with expectations, with more than 370 million closures sold over six months. Sales for other technological closures amounted to just under 280 million, which is a slight increase on 2014-2015.

Thanks to complete range of closures and its international sales platform, Oeneo is ideally placed to answer the needs of wine-growers around the world. 2016-2017 should see the Group break the symbolic barrier of 2 billion closures sold, thus confirming its ranking as world number two cork closures company


Winemaking: a remarkable year

2015-2016 was a superb year for Oeneo's Winemaking division which posted organic growth of 14.4% for the period. Performance was consistent across all of the division's geographic regions and activities.

In geographic terms, all regions reported growth, with a special mention going to France and the rest of Europe (excluding France) which exceeded all expectations. 

In terms of activities, Seguin Moreau cooperage, which was named Best Barrel Supplier for the fourth year in a row in the United States(*), confirmed its position as the world's leading brand, reaping the fruits of new innovation and repeat business from satisfied clients. Oak for the wine industry continued to enjoy sharp growth fueled by strong market demand, as did Vivelys (consulting services and technological solutions) following its successful integration within Oeneo.

2016-2017 will see the division focus on consolidating its market share and ongoing development. Growth is expected to be more moderate given the excellent performance last year and forecasts of a less buoyant market, particularly in the United States.


Next publication:

2015-2016 results on 14 June 2016 after the close of trading.



About OENEO Group

Oeneo Group is a major wine industry player. It has a global presence and specializes in two complementary businesses:

  • Closures, involving the manufacture and sale of cork closures, including high value-added, technological closures through its DIAM closure range and traditional closures through its Piedade range.

  • Winemaking, providing high-end solutions for winemaking and spirits for leading market players and developing innovative solutions for the wine industry with Vivelys (R&D, consulting, systems).




Philippe Doray +33 (0)1 44 13 44 39

Actus Finance: Guillaume Le Floch +33 (0)1 53 67 36 70 Analysts -Investors

Alexandra Prisa +33 (0)1 53 67 36 90 Media Relations


 (*) Vineyard & Winery Management, March/April 16

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