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After 10 years of publishing free ads for clients, Artprice is introducing charges on the fixed-price arm of its online Marketplace.

After 10 years of publishing free ads for clients, Artprice is introducing charges on the fixed-price arm of its online Marketplace.

Created in January 2005, Artprice has run its online classified ads as a free service for over 10 years service. Today, Artprice has decided to include fixed-price ads in its Premium offer, with a complete range of complimentary services.

In ten years, Artprice's fixed-price Marketplace has become the world's undisputed leading standardized market for Fine Art.

Every day, an average of 67,000 artworks are offered for sale at fixed prices (at an average price of approximately €6,300). For ten years, Artprice posted free ads for clients in order to capture the largest possible share of the private sales art market.

No other company operating an online standardized Fine Art marketplace anywhere in the world has achieved such solid results.

The period 2005-2015 confirms beyond any doubt that Artprice's fixed-price activity is constant, recurring and growing year after year.

The new Premium service for a work of Fine Art will cost between €10 à €70 depending on the type of service and exposure desired.

This pricing policy will optimize the operations of on US and UK markets, as indicated in Artprice's 2014 reference document registered with the AMF on July 24, 2015.

Please note that Artprice's fixed-price Standardized Marketplace is fully covered by intellectual property rights, and particularly by sui generis law.

This press release only concerns Artprice's fixed-price (i.e. classified ads) Marketplace and not its auction price activity

About Artprice:

Artprice is listed on the Eurolist by Euronext Paris, SRD long only and Euroclear: 7478 - Bloomberg: PRC - Reuters: ARTF.

Artprice is the global leader in art price and art index databanks. It has over 30 million indices and auction results covering more than 592,000 artists. Artprice Images(R) gives unlimited access to the largest Art Market resource in the world: a library of 118 million images or prints of artworks from the year 1700 to the present day, along with comments by Artprice's art historians.

Artprice permanently enriches its databanks with information from 4,500 auctioneers and it publishes a constant flow of art market trends for the world's principal news agencies and approximately 7,200 international press publications. For its 3,600,000 members, Artprice gives access to the world's leading Standardised Marketplace for buying and selling art.

Discover the Alchemy and the universe of Artprice, which headquarters are the famous Museum of Contemporary Art, the Abode of Chaos

News Artmarket:

The 2014 Art Market Report contains the famous Artprice ranking of the world's 500 most sought-after artists, the top 100 auction results, market breakdowns by country and by city, by period and by medium, Artprice indices and 21 chapters that provide an uncompromising analysis of the Art Market. It is available free of charge in PDF format at

The Contemporary Arts Museum The Abode of Chaos on Facebook:

Contact : Josette Mey : e-mail : [email protected]

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