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Availability of the 2011 Registration Document

Availability of the 2011 Registration Document


AKKA Technologies registered on April 26th, 2012 its 2011 Registration Document (Document de référence) under the reference D. 12-0416 with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF).

This document can be found in French on the website of the company in the Investors area, section « Regulated Information ».

It is also available to the public by phone (+ 33 4 78 92 60 83) or by mail ([email protected]).

The Registration Document includes in particular:

  • The 2011 Annual Financial report

  • The report of the Chairman of the Board of Directors on internal control procedures and on corporate governance

  • Information on fees paid to the statutory auditors for the financial year 2011.

  • The program description’ of repurchase of treasury stock

An english version will be available soon.



About AKKA Technologies

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

Sharing a passion for technology.”

AKKA Technologies, European Engineering and Technology Consultancy Group, supports major industrial and service sector clients throughout the various phases of their projects, from R&D and design studies to industrial production. 

Its expertise in a range of complementary fields enables AKKA Technologies to bring real added value to its clients working in: aeronautics, automotive, space/defence, consumer electronics, telecommunications, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, iron and steel, energy, rail, marine, service sector, and more.

The mobility of its teams and its international positioning mean that AKKA Technologies works globally on projects at the cutting edge of technology.

The AKKA Technologies Group now has more than 10,000 employees at over 20 sites throughout the world: in Germany, North America, Belgium, the UAE, Spain, France, Italy, India, Morocco, the Netherlands, Romania, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Tunisia. The Group’s combined revenues for 2011 amounted to 900 million euros (unaudited) over 50% of which came from outside France.

AKKA Technologies is listed on EuronextTM Paris - Compartment B - Code ISIN: FR0004180537.

Indexes CAC® Small, CAC® Mid & Small, CAC® All-Tradable, CAC® All-Share

More information at



AKKA Technologies

Nicolas Valtille / Deputy Managing Director - Finance - Tel.: + 33 4 78 92 60 83 - [email protected]

Delphine Méric / Investor Relations - Tel.: +33 6 81 20 97 14 - [email protected]

Actus Lyon

Amalia Naveira - Analyst/investor relations - Tel.: +33 4 72 18 04 97 - [email protected]

Marie-Claude Triquet - Press relations - Tel.: +33 4 72 18 04 93 - [email protected]

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Akka Technologies Stock

The price for the Akka Technologies stock decreased slightly today. Compared to yesterday there is a change of -€0.200 (-0.410%).

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