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Montupet : Full-year 2014 turnover up by 7% at 450.4 M EUR

Press release - Clichy, February 12, 2014, 18:00



Full-year 2014 turnover up by 7% at 450.4 M€


The Montupet Group has published today its full year 2014 turnover.

Another year of growth which confirms the expected improvement in profitability in 2014

In a global market that grew by 3.5% in 2014, Montupet Group turnover was up by 7% over the period. In the fourth quarter, Group turnover was 110.5 million Euros, up by 5.1% compared with the same period in the previous year.

In M€ - IFRS 2014 2013 Variation
1st quarter 122.4 111.6 +9.7%
2nd quarter 116.7 110.8 +5.3%
3rd quarter 100.8 93.2 +8.1%
4th quarter 110.5 105.1 +5.1%
TOTAL 450.4 420.7 +7.0%

By region:


In M€ - IFRS 2014 2013 Variation
France 137.9 129.5 +6.5%
Spain (foundry only) 57.6 58.8 -2.1%
United Kingdom 120.1 119.7 +0.3%
Bulgaria 94.7 75.7 +25.1%
Mexico 40.1 37.0 +8.3%
TOTAL 450.4 420.7 +7.0%

The Bulgarian site finished the year with yet another two-digit increase in activity, at 25.1%, while the Mexican site enjoyed favourable conditions in the fourth quarter helping it to register growth of 8.3% for the year. Overall, with the exception of Spain (nevertheless with a favourable product mix), all of the Group's sites showed positive performance for the year, allowing Montupet to confirm a new and substantial improvement of profitability for 2014 as compared with 2013. 


A positive outlook founded on the start of production of new contracts

Within the context of a dynamic European automotive market, 2015 is beginning with a positive outlook for Montupet. The start of production of new parts, notably for Volvo, BMW or Porsche, as well as significant increases in production for Ford and Renault, underpin the Group's confidence for 2015. 

Furthermore, the macro-economic environment is favourable, especially concerning exchange rates:

  • The depreciation of the Peso against the Dollar is of benefit to the plant in Mexico, which produces in Pesos and sells in Dollars

  • The strength of the Dollar with respect to the Euro has two favourable effects: the first, in the conversion of North American profit, and the second in the improved competitiveness of the tool-making activity, which generates more than half of its turnover in the Dollar zone

  • The strength of Sterling with respect to the Euro has a favourable effect on the profit of the plant in the United Kingdom

Finally, the reduction of more than 50% in the price of oil has a very positive impact on the Group's energy cost, which represents approximately 10% of total costs excluding metal.

In the longer term and with excellent visibility, the Group will pursue its dynamic and ever profitable growth, thanks both to increasing market share won through technological edge, and to the opportunities presented by the growing complexity of structural components and turbo charger bodies.

Next publication : Full-year 2014 financial results, March 16, 2015 after the close of the markets.

About Montupet

The Montupet Group specialises in the design and production of highly-stressed cast aluminium components, principally for automotive applications. Since 1987, the Group has pursued a strategy of international development, resulting in a world-wide presence with seven production sites in France, Spain, Northern Ireland, Bulgaria, Mexico and India. Montupet is today a key supplier to global automotive manufacturers such as Renault-Nissan, VW-Audi, BMW, GM and Ford. In 2014, Group turnover came to 450,4 M€ with 3380 employees throughout the world.

Montupet is quoted in Compartment B on the Euronext Paris stock exchange and is eligible for the French PEA and PEA-PME investment products.

Montupet is part of the Next 150, CAC Mid & Small and CAC Small indices and is eligible for SRD « Long-only ».

 ISIN code: FR0000037046 - Mnemo : MON - Bloomberg : MON:FP - Reuters : MNT.PA


Marc Majus, Deputy CEO

E-mail : [email protected] - Tél. : +33 (0)1 47 56 47 56


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