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PEA-PME eligibility of TESSI equities

Tessi announces that it is eligible for the new French "PEA-PME" personal equity plan for small and medium-sized enterprises introduced under implementing decree no. 2014-283, published in the Official Journal on 4 March 2014.

Accordingly, shares in Tessi may be included in PEA-PME accounts, which enjoy the same tax benefits as conventional personal equity plans (French "PEA" - plan d'épargne en actions). At least 75% of the new savings account must consist of securities issued by SMEs and mid-cap companies (French "ETI" - entreprise de taille intermédiaire), of which 50% must be shares, without exceeding €75,000.

Companies with less than 5,000 employees and either revenues of less than €1.5 billion or a balance sheet total of less than €2 billion are eligible for the scheme.

About Tessi:

- Tessi is No. 1 document processing specialist in France

- Listed on Euronext Paris Eurolist B - ISIN code – FR0004529147 – Ticker: TES

- Head Office in Grenoble, France (38)

- Founded in 1971 and taken over in 1979 by Marc Rebouah, current PDG

- French No. 1 in check receipt and processing

- French No. 1 in foreign exchange and gold trading

- French No. 1 in managing deffered promotional operations

For further information visit:





Corinne Rebouah

Executive Secretary – Head of Communication

Tel. +33 (0)4 76 70 59 10

[email protected]

Amalia Naveira / Investors Relations

Marie Claude Triquet / Media Relations

Tel. + 33 (0)4 72 18 04 90

[email protected]

[email protected]

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