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SES signs the largest roll out of Electronic Shelf Labels in South East Asia

Store Electronic Systems installs its ESL solution in more than 90 supermarkets

at leading chain FairPrice in Singapore


Store Electronic Systems (NYSE, Euronext: SESL, FR0010282822A), market leader in electronic labeling systems for retailers, announced today that its solution has again been selected by one of Singapore's largest supermarket retailers, NTUC Fairprice Co-operative Limited. SESL's electronic labeling systems will be installed in more than 90 FairPrice supermarkets and hypermarkets, which represent the vast majority of its stores by early 2014.


NTUC FairPrice

NTUC Fairprice Co-operative Ltd was founded by the labour movement in 1973, with a social mission to moderate the cost of living in Singapore. From one supermarket, it has grown to become Singapore's largest retailer serving about 400,000 shoppers daily, with a network of over 110 outlets, comprising FairPrice supermarkets, FairPrice Finest and FairPriceXtra. Its convenience stores, FairPrice Xpress and Cheers, has a network spanning some 160 convenience stores islandwide and serves over 100,000 customers daily. NTUC FairPrice also owns a Fresh Food Distribution Centre and a centralised warehousing and distribution company.

Today, with its multiple retail formats serving the varied needs and interests of people from all walks of life, NTUC FairPrice has kept pace with the changing needs of its customers while remaining committed to its social mission and its aspiration to be Singapore's leading world-class retailer with a heart.


A relationship of confidence based on a long cooperation between FairPrice and SES

In 2010, FairPrice began exploring electronic shelf labeling to enhance customer service, increase productivity and reduce operating costs. In 2011 after an evaluation of the various solutions available in the market, FairPrice trialed the SES system in its store at Clementi Mall (FairPrice Finest). Within a few months of the pilot program, the SES system had generated a rapid return on investment that convinced FairPrice to continue the trial in other store formats (hypermarkets, supermarkets, minimarkets, 24-hour stores and high-end stores). In 2012, SES won the first contract and installed 20 stores in addition to the first pilots. FairPrice then decided to proceed with the roll-out and after consulting the market, retained SES as exclusive supplier to roll out its solution in 70 additional stores. These installations make FairPrice the best equipped supermarket chain in Asia,
and pave the way for a cutting-edge retail environment that is more customer-friendly and more efficient for store managers given the restrictive local labor market.

SES will deploy in FairPrice stores its complete range of innovative solutions including the S-tag (a segmented ESL) and the G-tag + (a graphic ESL with HD screens with dynamic displays).


A first in South East Asia

This roll-out of Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL) is a first in South East Asia (ASEAN) within a leading retail chain in this fast growing industry with a high market potential.

Mr Gerry Lee, Managing Director (Business Groups), NTUC FairPrice, said, “The laborious manual shelf labels have been replaced by electronic shelf labels in over 20 stores so far and we are targeting to have another 70 over stores installed with this system by end this year. This would mean almost all our FairPrice stores will use this system. We have found much value in this system as it has improved shelf price labeling efficiency by six times and also led to higher level of accurate displayed prices which translates to higher customer satisfaction levels.”


An efficient partnership

SES has been operating directly in Singapore and Asia for seven years and, with its local partner John Chen Pte Ltd, has climbed to the top of the ESL market there. In 2013, SES will be stepping up its presence in the region by tripling its workforce across all activities (marketing, installation and customer service).

Thierry GADOU, CEO of Store Electronic Systems declares: “By launching our subsidiary in Singapore, we understood the leading role of Singapore and its status as technological leader for the Asia-Pacific area. I am impressed by the visionary planning and operational understanding of NTUC FairPrice. SES is proud to have gained and retained the confidence of such a demanding customer. This roll-out is the best proof of the bright future of SES in Asia. Thanks to its visibility, this roll-out will help us in our regional development as we already have several pilots in process in neighboring countries”.


Next press release

2012 annual results: April 25th, 2013


About Store Electronic Systems

Store Electronic Systems is the leader in Electronic Shelf Labeling systems (ESL) for large-scale food and non-food retailers. The Group designs, markets and installs all the system's components (software and communication platform, displays, mounts), thus providing clients with a turnkey solution. The range of products and services offered by SES allows retailers to manage pricing dynamically, while significantly improving store productivity.

Store Electronic Systems is listed on Compartment C of Euronext™ Paris.

Ticker: SESL - ISIN Code: FR0010282822 - Reuters: SESL.PA - Bloomberg: SESL.FP




Florent Alba, Investor Relations & Financial Communication - Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 71 98 55, [email protected]


Store Electronic Systems - 39, rue de Montigny - 95100 Argenteuil - FRANCE

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