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Analysing How Far Mobile and Digital Wallets Have Come
Analysing How Far Mobile and Digital Wallets Have Come
The financial sector is one area where the internet has had a powerful impact, and that largely includes mobile commerce. As a larger portion of the world's population gets access to smartphones....
Capital Allocation:  Corporate Strategy & The 5 Methods Framework
Capital Allocation: Corporate Strategy & The 5 Methods Framework
Updated on September 25th, 2018 by Nick McCullum & Ben Reynolds One of the most important responsibilities of a company’s management team is capital allocation.  But what exactly is capital
CFD trading is hotting up
CFD trading is hotting up
Contracts for difference (CFDs) have emerged as one of the most popular trading instruments over the past decade. In the wake of the global financial crisis when the financial markets all over....
Markets and Projectiles
Markets and Projectiles
In some ways, the market is like a projectile; it launches, it reaches a maximum height, then it falls. The maximum height reached by a projectile depends on its initial conditions: angle of....
The Canadian Wide Moat 7
The Canadian Wide Moat 7
Published September 20th, 2018 by Dale Roberts This guest contribution is by Dale Roberts, the Chief Disruptor at Cut The Crap Investing. For my personal retirement portfolio I hold only 7
Nike’s Controversial Ad Campaign Pays Off
Nike’s Controversial Ad Campaign Pays Off
Nike is a brand that has been associated with sports for decades. In fact, if a logo has been seen on the shirt, or sneakers of a popular athlete, it has almost always been the Nike Swoosh. The....
A ‘Sure-Thing’?
A ‘Sure-Thing’?
The following financial news was released on September 7/18, at 8:30 a.m.:Non farm payrolls in the United States increased by 201 thousand in August of 2018, following a downwardly revised 147....
Don’t Just Play the Market. Read it.
Don’t Just Play the Market. Read it.
No one has access to the future. The ‘talking heads’ on business shows may try to make you believe they know the future; we know no one can know. Yet, as humans, we plan, make decisions, and take....
It’s All About Fear
It’s All About Fear
It is a waste of time to try and assign cause to moves in the market. Market systems are both complex and chaotic; complex because there are so many variables, and chaotic because, even if we....
A Portfolio for All Markets:  The Permanent Portfolio with Dividend Aristocrats
A Portfolio for All Markets: The Permanent Portfolio with Dividend Aristocrats
Updated August 23rd, 2018 by Ben Reynolds Former Libertarian presidential candidate Harry Browne is the originator of the Permanent Portfolio.  He popularized the concept in his book Fail-Safe
Stocks Are Not Overvalued
Stocks Are Not Overvalued
Last week, we wrote:Even if the Lira falling was, in fact, the reason why the market dropped on Friday Aug. 10/18 (which it’s not), what good would that do for us as investors? Up until Friday,....
P/E Ratios & Interest Rates:  A Formula for Fair P/E Ratios Incorporating Interest Rates
P/E Ratios & Interest Rates: A Formula for Fair P/E Ratios Incorporating Interest Rates
Updated August 22nd, 2018 The 10 Year T-Bonds hit all time yield lows of 1.5% in July of 2016.  To see we have been in a period of low interest rates is an understatement. With that said
Looking For an Excuse
Looking For an Excuse
Suddenly, everyone is blaming the Turkish Lira for Friday’s (Aug. 10/18) 0.67% pull-back in the S&P 500. Human behavior never changes. We are always looking for “meaning” in everything that....
My Top 10 Buy & Hold Forever Stocks
My Top 10 Buy & Hold Forever Stocks
Published on August 16th, 2018 by Ben Reynolds Back in the days of the wild west, people would secure their values by putting them into a coffee can. That coffee can would go up on a shelf or
S&P 500 Dividend Yield:  Past, Present, Future
S&P 500 Dividend Yield: Past, Present, Future
Published on August 9th, 2018 by Ben Reynolds The S&P 500 is the most popular index to track the United States’ stock market. Examining the S&P 500’s current and historical dividend yield can
Rumors of the End, Are Premature
Rumors of the End, Are Premature
According to the St. Louis Fed, the velocity of money “is the number of times one dollar is spent to buy goods and services per unit of time. If the velocity of money is increasing, then more....
This is why we get better at modelling the weather, but no better at modelling the stock market…
This is why we get better at modelling the weather, but no better at modelling the stock market…
This is why we get better at modelling the weather, but no better at modelling the stock market; the weather is not conscious of our models while the market (participants) are. In addition, the....
“1.00 invested in those firms with the most negative ETF flow in January 2006 grows to 3.48 at the end of December 2017, compared to 1.40 for those firms with the highest ETF flow.” --Deutsche Bank
“1.00 invested in those firms with the most negative ETF flow in January 2006 grows to 3.48 at the end of December 2017, compared to 1.40 for those firms with the highest ETF flow.” --Deutsche Bank
ALL IS DIVIDED INTO THREE PARTS (August 6, 2018): As is often the case in the early stages of a U.S. equity bear market, several typical characteristics can be observed. Hardly anyone....
“1.00 invested in those firms with the most negative ETF flow in January 2006 grows to 3.48 at the end of December 2017, compared to 1.40 for those firms with the highest ETF flow.” --Deutsche Bank
“1.00 invested in those firms with the most negative ETF flow in January 2006 grows to 3.48 at the end of December 2017, compared to 1.40 for those firms with the highest ETF flow.” --Deutsche Bank
ALL IS DIVIDED INTO THREE PARTS (August 6, 2018): As is often the case in the early stages of a U.S. equity bear market, several typical characteristics can be observed. Hardly anyone....
The Top 3 Dividend Paying Spin-Off Stocks Today
The Top 3 Dividend Paying Spin-Off Stocks Today
Published August 2nd, 2018 by Rich Howe This is a guest contribution by Rich Howe, CFA. Rich monitors the stock spin-off market at Stock Spin-Off Investing. Legendary investor Peter Lynch, wrote
To Remember, You Have to Forget
To Remember, You Have to Forget
Why do investors tend to forget more about bull markets than about bear markets? After all, bear markets are shorter in duration and in size (on average) than bull markets, so one could assume....
Fear is All That Matters
Fear is All That Matters
News, or any broadly-reported information, simply does not drive the market. The most recent and obvious proof of this comes from the insane (in the literal sense) behavior of Donald Trump. Trying....
Financial Freedom Day Part 1:  Is There Something Better Than Retirement?
Financial Freedom Day Part 1: Is There Something Better Than Retirement?
Published July 24th, 2018 by Ryan Krueger This is a guest contribution by Ryan Krueger of investment advisory firm Krueger & Catalano. You can follow Ryan on Twitter @RyanKruegerROI If you are
The Never-Ending Story
The Never-Ending Story
Despite all the rhetoric, the political class is not in control. They are just the “front” for the true masters of the universe; big money. Money directly installs the politicians (of both....
The 5 Biggest Oilfield Services Stocks Ranked From Worst to First
The 5 Biggest Oilfield Services Stocks Ranked From Worst to First
Published on July 17th, 2018 by Aristofanis Papadatos Oilfield services companies were significantly affected by the downturn in the oil market that began in 2014. As the price of oil plunged