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Will Southwest Airlines Raise Its Dividend in 2018?
Will Southwest Airlines Raise Its Dividend in 2018?
Southwest Airlines (NYSE: LUV) stands out from its airline peers because of its consistent profitability. Even at times when other players in the industry were going through bankruptcy filings and....
Is This Americans' Most Harmful Financial Habit?
Is This Americans' Most Harmful Financial Habit?
Americans aren't exactly known for having the best financial habits. Many of us are deep in debt, and the majority of U.S. adults don't have enough savings to cover a moderate financial emergency.....
Tax Reform Is Done: Here's How It Matters to You
Tax Reform Is Done: Here's How It Matters to You
After successfully reconciling different bills passed by the House of Representatives and Senate, respectively, Congress has passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. It's the first major rewrite....
Study Shows Overdraft Programs Don't Meet Most Consumer's Needs
Study Shows Overdraft Programs Don't Meet Most Consumer's Needs
Banks offer overdraft protection programs ostensibly to protect consumers. In theory, by opting into these protections, account holders shield themselves from having payments not go through.The....
Here's Why Apple Will Be the Most Valuable Brand for Years to Come
Here's Why Apple Will Be the Most Valuable Brand for Years to Come
Analysts are seemingly forever worried that this time, Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) is going to miss sales projections on the iPhone, only to discover when it reports that it has handily beat them. The....
How to Build a Cohesive Team at Work
How to Build a Cohesive Team at Work
One of the most challenging aspects of being a manager is getting a group of distinct personalities to work well as a unit. If you're hoping to establish a solid, cohesive team, here are a few....
3 Predictions of Bitcoin's Price in 2020 -- and Why They'll All Probably Be Wrong
3 Predictions of Bitcoin's Price in 2020 -- and Why They'll All Probably Be Wrong
Several respected financial-industry experts have made projections about the future value of bitcoin (BTC/USD), and they have literally ranged from $0 to $1,000,000.While there's no way of knowing....
3 Dividend Stocks That Cut Bigger Checks Than Coca-Cola
3 Dividend Stocks That Cut Bigger Checks Than Coca-Cola
Coca-Cola has long been a favorite holding for income investors. With the company's 55-year streak of annual dividend increases, and its yield sitting at roughly 3.2%, it's easy to see why it's....
15 Retirement Stats That Will Blow You Away
15 Retirement Stats That Will Blow You Away
Do you have any idea what the average monthly Social Security retirement benefit is? It was recently $1,375, which amounts to just $16,500 per year. Clearly, you're probably not going to live....
Better Buy: Ford Motor Company vs. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
Better Buy: Ford Motor Company vs. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
Investors on the hunt for value have lately been poking through the automakers. Quite a few auto stocks have lagged the market over the last few years, as investors concerned about technological....
3 Great Stocks for Your IRA
3 Great Stocks for Your IRA
Congress has done plenty of dumb things through the years. And that's true regardless of which party was in control. But one of the smartest things passed by legislators was the Individual....
Why 2017 Was a Year to Remember for Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
Why 2017 Was a Year to Remember for Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
Stocks of companies with solid business models and products that meet needs tend to perform well over the long run. Intuitive Surgical, Inc. (NASDAQ: ISRG) is a good example. The robotic surgical....
3 Stocks That Could Put Alibaba's Returns to Shame
3 Stocks That Could Put Alibaba's Returns to Shame
Coming out of the Great Recession, investors looking to score shares of fast-growing Chinese companies were often left scarred. Accusations -- true or not-- of malfeasance could make a stock drop....
3 Stocks That Could Put Amazon's Returns to Shame
3 Stocks That Could Put Amazon's Returns to Shame
Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) has been the quintessential growth stock for nearly a generation. However, the company's market cap currently exceeds $570 billion. That's an enormous figure that will make....

Chavanod, le 21 décembre 2017 – Miliboo (Code ISIN : FR0013053535 – Code mnémonique : ALMLB), la marque digitale d'ameublement design, participera, pour la 2ème année consécutive, au CES Las....

SES-Imagotag : réalisation de la prise de participation majoritaire de BOE Technology Group associé au management de SES-imagotag
SES-Imagotag : réalisation de la prise de participation majoritaire de BOE Technology Group associé au management de SES-imagotag
A la suite des communiqués de presse diffusés les 16 juin et 19 juillet 2017 et de la réalisation des conditions suspensives, notamment l'obtention des autorisations réglementaires, BOE....

SES-imagotag: completion of the acquisition of a majority stake by BOE Technology Group along with the management of SES-imagotag
SES-imagotag: completion of the acquisition of a majority stake by BOE Technology Group along with the management of SES-imagotag
Following the press releases of 16 June and 19 July 2017, and the fulfillment of the conditions precedent, notably the obtaining of regulatory authorizations, BOE Technology Group and....

Auplata procède à l'évaluation de ses actifs miniers pour les sites de Dieu Merci, Yaou et Dorlin
Auplata procède à l'évaluation de ses actifs miniers pour les sites de Dieu Merci, Yaou et Dorlin
Auplata (Euronext Growth - FR0010397760 - ALAUP), 1er producteur d'or français coté en Bourse annonce avoir fait procéder, par le cabinet de conseil et d'ingénierie SOFRECO, à une nouvelle....
iPhone X Skeptics May Be Underestimating Demand
iPhone X Skeptics May Be Underestimating Demand
Two months ago, Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) began taking pre-orders for the iPhone X. iPhone fans immediately rushed to get in line (figuratively) for the greatest iPhone yet, driving lead times to as....
Is Stitch Fix the Role Model Blue Apron Needs for Its Turnaround?
Is Stitch Fix the Role Model Blue Apron Needs for Its Turnaround?
Blue Apron (NYSE: APRN) has been one of the most-maligned IPOs on the market this year, and it's easy to see why.Shares of the meal-kit service are down nearly 60% from their $10 IPO price, and....
Better Buy: Toyota Motor Corporation vs. General Motors 
Better Buy: Toyota Motor Corporation vs. General Motors 
General Motors'(NYSE: GM) stock has a lot going for it: GM is selling huge numbers of high-profit trucks and SUVs today, and it has emerged as a leader in the key technologies (self-driving,....
Will Facebook Start Paying a Dividend in 2018?
Will Facebook Start Paying a Dividend in 2018?
Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) has been a leader in the social-media world. The company's namesake site rose to notoriety at a transformative time for the tech industry, as mobile devices made it easier....
Red Hat, Inc. Smashed the Street Again -- With Cash to Spare
Red Hat, Inc. Smashed the Street Again -- With Cash to Spare
Open-source software veteran Red Hat (NYSE: RHT) crushed Wall Street's targets in the third quarter. But you shouldn't expect Red Hat to start paying dividends anytime soon, regardless of how....
3 High-Yield Stocks to Hold Forever
3 High-Yield Stocks to Hold Forever
Buying and holding high-quality dividend stocks is arguably the best way to predictably generate wealth over the long term. And the longer you hold, the more pronounced your gains will become with....
Should I Buy or Rent? Let's Crunch the Numbers
Should I Buy or Rent? Let's Crunch the Numbers
Image Source: Getty Images.The decision to buy or rent is a tough one for many people. There are several factors to consider when determining the better option, such as your location, how long you....